Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Feb. 2

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

Some things that crossed my mind this past week about the Winnipeg Jets and the National Hockey League.

1. The Winnipeg Jets came out of the All-star break with a 0-3-0 record and ZERO points!  Thoughts?   

2.  The Jets finished their 10 game segment #5 with a solid 6-3-1 record for 13 points.

3.  The Jets PK has allowed 7 goals on 13 chances during their last 3 games … is it any surprise they went 0-3-0?

4.  You can check out my Segment 5 update here ☛ ☛ http://wp.me/p3ustw-6ba     

5.  The Winnipeg Jets are carrying 3 extra defencemen and ZERO extra forwards. Is there a trade brewing in Jetsville?

6.  Zach Bogosian’s first slashing penalty on Saturday night was clearly Antoine Roussel getting under his skin and a poorly timed emotional response that can’t happen in between whistles.  Selfish and dumb, but his second slashing penalty is something that happens 50 times a game and was a call that officials overlook all the time.  The sad part was the backlash he received on twitter.  It was ridiculous and uncalled for.  

7.  The 2 shifts preceding Andrew Ladd’s goal versus Dallas may have been the most dominant shifts I’ve ever seen since the Jets returned to Winnipeg!     

8.  I love Toby Enstrom but I don’t ever want to see him killing penalties.  He can’t move anybody out of the crease area and all he does is create a bigger screen for his goaltenders.  Example: Shawn Horcoff’s PP goal Saturday night.

Winnipeg Jets forward Evander Kane (9). (Photo by Shawn Coates)

Evander Kane is leading the way on the 3rd line

 9.  NHL teams can get away with a poor powerplay BUT cannot and will not win if they can’t kill penalties.  (see #3)

10.  The Winnipeg Jets need more from Blake Wheeler right now.       

11.  Evander Kane is really driving the bus on the Jets 3rd line.  Even though they seem to have found some good chemistry, they still need to upgrade the right side … sorry Thor!  

12.  The Jets had Dallas hemmed in their zone for what seems like forever. Dallas ices the puck but they have already used their timeout, so after some stalling the puck gets dropped and Vernon Fiddler starts a fight with Bryan Little immediately stopping the play and after the ensuing scrum is settled, the Jets end up 2 men short and give up another PP goal …. GAME OVER!  There’s your “TSN Turning Point”.   

13.  It’s time for Mark Scheifele to get hot like he did last year around this time.

14.  After a real slow start, Mathieu Perreault just keeps on scoring!  Where would the Jets be without him?  

15.  Jets coach Paul Maurice has done a great job with this group but now we’ll see if he can get them back on track.  Gut check time!  

If you have any thoughts on any of these comments or questions, please let me know.  I am a curious person by nature and I need answers.

Thanks, Mitch 

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