Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: July 4

Mitch Kasprick is the “Motown Curmudgeon” aka “Motown Mitch”

Odds and Ends, Thoughts and Questions, from this past week in hockey –

Just so there’s no confusion when I’m spewing my bias, I am a fan of the Winnipeg Jets, Arizona Coyotes, Manitoba Moose, Winnipeg Ice, and all Team Canada Hockey teams.

I am NOT a fan of Gary Bettman or as I call him, Count Chocula.  I am a big believer in the 7Ps. You’ve been warned.

1. Jets:  Well the speculation is over, the Winnipeg Jets have finally hired their head coach but I’m not sure many thought it would be Rick Bowness.  Yes, Rick Bowness, Jets 1.0 Rick Bowness.  I definitely didn’t see this one coming but after a little bit of reflection it makes sense and especially if you believe that Barry Trotz is still in the mix in the future.


2. Jets:  Now with the head coach in place it will be interesting to see how Kevin Cheveldayoff/Mark Chipman and the new head coach round out the rest of the coaching staff.  This team definitely needs a lot of work on their special teams so I hope they bring in some PK and PP gurus.

3. Jets:  The 2022 NHL ENTRY DRAFT is this Friday and Kevin Cheveldayoff could be very active in trade talks on the draft floor if you believe all the rumours out there.  There is no doubt Chevy has a ton of work to do and I’m sure he has had many conversations with NHL GMs about Mark Scheifele, Pierre-Luc Dubois, Blake Wheeler and a few defencemen in the organization but whether he pulls the trigger this week or this weekend remains to be seen.

4. CHL:  Remember last week when I said I wasn’t a big fan of the one and done in The Memorial Cup.  I wasn’t the only one.  Below is one of the reasons why and they ended up winning the Memorial Cup.

5. Jets:  Rick Bowness has a reputation as a good defensive coach but man has he got his hands full with this group.  I’m sure Barry Trotz is lurking and watching with interest.   

6. Jets:  That scream you heard coming all the way from Michigan was Connor Hellebuyck when he heard who the Jets hired as their head coach.  Helle will be the biggest benefactor of this hire.

7. Jets:  Even after a very solid year as Helle’s backup I’m still on the fence about Eric Comrie and I don’t know why.  I think it may be just because I always looked at him as a career AHLer.

8. Jets:  I wonder if the (alledged) minor rift between Paul Maurice and Chevy had to do with the usage of Ville Heinola?  It’s been reported that Chevy wanted to see Heinola in the lineup more but PoMo went with everybody but him.

9. NHL:  Its  time Count Chocula and his cronies revamped the playoff format, scrapped the divisions and went to a balanced schedule with two conferences.  It won’t change the rivalries and will probably create some new ones.

10. Jets:  My weekly question for Kevin Cheveldayoff or Mark Chipman.

Does Rick Bowness get to hire his assistant coaches?


Is it just me or does this look like the prequel to a future Barry Trotz hiring?

11. Jets:  I think it is cute that there are people out there that think they know whether the hiring of Rick Bowness is good or bad.  To be honest I have no idea but the proof will be in the pudding.  To show you how seriously pissed off I was at some of the tweets I read on Twitter, I posted this little nugget and I truly believe this.  Having an opinion is one thing BUT thinking you KNOW is a laugh.  Sorry for the bad language.

12. Important Dates:  

July 7: First round of the 2022 NHL Entry Draft at the Bell Centre in Montreal.

July 8: The second through seventh rounds.

July 6:  UFA/RFA courting period starts.

July 13: The signing period for RFA and UFA free agents will begin at 11 am MB time.

August 9:  U20 WHC starts in Edmonton and runs until Aug.20.

13. Jets:  I’m really interested to see where Cole Perfetti ends up this season.  I don’t see him as a center if Scheif and PLD are back but I do see him in the mix as a top 6 forward.

14. Jets:  When Paul Maurice walked away from the team Dave Lowry got the short end of the stick and really got screwed.  He was in a no win situation and now he is out of a job.  On the bright side, Charlie Huddy is gone.  I’ve always hated him because he was an ex-Edmonton Oilers player and I couldn’t stand seeing he face behind our bench.

15. Jets:  The question I hear the most from friends and other Jets’ fans is “how the hell did Kevin Cheveldayoff get a three-year contract extension?”.




  1. Dave Smith says

    Trotz was was always going to be a complicated hire. Wanting management opportunities basically means Chevy is hiring a rival and possibly a replacement. It means that Zinger is probably redundant (what does he actually do anyway) and we all know how much Chipman thinks of him and would be loath to can him. And is basically common knowledge now that Chipman is heavily involved in hockey ops where once it was an open secret.
    The Jets have a talent deficit that I have no idea how they make up without tanking. They tried for 11 years with mediocre results. Some of which can be blamed on retaining Maurice after 2019. Chipman needs to wear that one.
    Might as well sell now with 2 years of 37, 80 and 55. Returns would be much better. Waiting after the window is only going to prolong the rebuild. But Chipman has done this to himself. Given how little information TSNE gives on anything it would be hard to sell a rebuilt now.
    As far as memorial cup goes not much you can do about that. Gone are the days of completely stacked league champions and host teams. Also Campbell’s comments likely have something to do with the Oil Kings getting eliminated before the semi final.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      I’m not sure the Jets have to tank to start a rebuild if they trade their best assets for younger players that are already in the league … if TNSE doesn’t become more transparent and accoutntable this team could alienate the fanbase to the point it affects the bottom line enough to become serious and we lose this team … Mark Chipman needs to take a major step back for the good of the franchise.

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