Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: July 5

Mitch Kasprick is the “Motown Curmudgeon” aka “Motown Mitch”

Odds and Ends, Thoughts and Questions, from this past week in hockey –

Just so there’s no confusion when I’m spewing my bias, I am a fan of the Winnipeg Jets, Arizona Coyotes, Manitoba Moose, Winnipeg Ice, and all Team Canada Hockey teams.

I am NOT a fan of Gary Bettman or as I call him, Count Chocula.  I am a big believer in the 7Ps. You’ve been warned. 

1. JetsAfter more off-season reflection on the Winnipeg Jets I think our fanbase and some of our media may have overrated the depth and makeup of the team’s roster.  It has been said many times in different places that if and when the Jets become legitimate SC contenders that Adam Lowry would be our 4th line center.  If we were being honest, the truth of the matter is this team had TWO 4th lines and that’s why we lost to Montreal.  I really like Adam Lowry’s line but I would consider them more of a shutdown line that chips in the odd goal here and there.  You can blame our blueline all you want but the Jets lost ONE skilled player (Mark Scheifele) and the Jets offence disappeared or shrunk like a frightened turtle  ………. cue George Costanza’s #SHRINKAGE

2. Jets:  The Seattle Kraken expansion draft protection lists are tentatively due in less than 2 weeks and Chevy is now under the microscope.  What will he and the Winnipeg Jets do?

Poll Question:  Should Kevin Cheveldayoff cut a deal with Seattle GM Ron Francis so the Jets don’t lose a player off their roster in the expansion draft? 

In the 2017 Vegas expansion draft the Jets and Vegas cut a deal where the Golden Knights would select Chris Thorburn’s expiring contract.  In the deal they flip-flopped 1st rounders with Winnipeg acquiring the 24th pick (from Vegas, from Columbus) in the 2017 NHL Draft in exchange for the 13th pick in the 2017 NHL Draft, and the Jets third-round selection in 2019. 

FYI:  If the Jets don’t cut this deal with Vegas they might have taken Nick Suzuki instead of trading down and getting Kristian Vesalainen.  It’s too early to call this deal but the early returns certainly favour Suzuki. 

Will Chevy or should Chevy cut a deal with Seattle GM Ron Francis so the Jets don't lose a player in the expansion draft?

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3. Jets:  Please Chevy, don’t overpay Andrew Copp.  Even though Copp had a good season and he is a fan fave, he is still a bottom six winger in my opinion and overpaying 3rd and 4th liner players is a recipe for disaster. 

4. NHL:  I’m a cynical person by nature so I couldn’t help but think the Jonathon Toews announcement about him having Covid-19 came at a time when the microscope is clearly on the Blackhawk organisation for all the wrong reasons.  Was Toews doing the organisation a favour by deflecting attention from the stories of sexual abuse within the Hawks organisation in 2010?  The timing sure seems fishy.        

5. Jets:  I wonder if the Jets will start their transition over to Mikhail Berdin next season or wait one more year for him?  He is only 23-years-old so there is no rush.  

6. NHL:  Habs fans dumping on Carey Price is laughable.  How do they think they got to the SC Final?  Talk about short memories.    

7. Jets:  I would like to see the Jets move Nikolaj “don’t call me Nik” Ehlers to the top line right from the get-go this upcoming season.  It is time for the team’s best winger to play with the teams best center.    

8. JetsAnybody else concerned about the size on the Jets back-end for next season?  I would be shocked if Ville Heinola isn’t a regular in the line-up but that only makes the size back there even smaller.  Josh Morrissey, Dylan DeMelo, and Neal Pionk are all listed at 6 feet but if you believe that you probably believe in the tooth fairy.  

9. NHLI bet this SC Final will have lowest tv ratings in decades and it isn’t because of the Montreal Canadiens.  I think a lot of hockey fans were turned off by Tampa’s salary cap manipulation.  I watched some of the SC Final but I also watched just as much basketball and baseball.  The only reason I tuned in was to see how my bets and fantasy players were doing.      

10. Jets:  The sooner the Winnipeg Jets commit to having 3 offensive/skilled lines the faster they will be able to contend.  Maybe that means committing to Cole Perfetti for next season.  (see #1) 

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11. Jets:  Anybody else getting  tired of seeing Charlie Huddy’s face behind the Jets bench?

12. NHL:  Key dates.

  • July 17 – Expansion draft protection lists tentatively due
  • July 21 – Expansion draft
  • July 23-24 – 2021 NHL Entry Draft
  • July 28 – Free agency opens

13. Jets:  Are Paul Maurice’s or Kevin Cheveldayoff’s jobs in jeopardy?

After being swept in the second round by Montreal should heads roll?

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14. NHLWhy wouldn’t Jonathon Toews have spoken up sooner about having Covid-19?  His words could have carried a lot of weight in convincing people to get vaccinated.  If Covid-19 can keep an elite athlete like Toews sidelined for as long as it did it is definitely something to be concerned about and shared.  (see#4)

15. Jets:  It is going to be a hectic 3 weeks coming up for the Jets brass but the biggest day for the fans will be on July 28 when free agency opens.  We will find out how serious this franchise is about upgrading the defensive corp.     

In memory of my friend Darryl Manchulenko.

If you have any questions, please give me a shout. You can use the comment section or use the #ASKWHTPOD hashtag on Twitter.

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If you have any thoughts on any of these comments or questions, please let me know. We would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks, Mitch



  1. Claude Saindon says

    First, I agree with most of this
    2. Expansion draft. Why would you want to keep this team together at all costs? They clearly weren’t good enough.
    8. Lack of size on D. In an earlier tweet I said pick 2 of Heinola, Pionk, DiMelo and Morrisey. I’d choose Heinola and Pionk. Leave DiMelo unprotected in the expansion draft and trade Morrissey. Good value in return. I’d like to see Kovacevic and Samburg brought up.
    15. Free agency. I have no confidence. “Dance with one you brung” Play the young ones. That’s what the Habs did and it came together for the playoffs. And if Maurice won’t do that he has to go.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      Hey Claude, nice to hear from you … I agree … the Jets have options but their loyalty can be their undoing at times … I guess the first domino will be who we lose to Seattle …. I hope its Appleton … I want to see Vesalainen and Gustafsson as regulars next year along with Harkins …. no need to bring back Thompson, Lewis etc

  2. I think it’s time to fire both Maurice and Chevy.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      I’m more anti-Chevy than Maurice but yes, this organisation needs new voices … it is time

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