Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Nov. 2

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind since last Monday —

Some random facts and a few thoughts from this past week about the Winnipeg Jets, the Manitoba Moose and the National Hockey League.

Editor’s note:

Starting next week “Random Thoughts” will be posted on Tuesdays.

1.  The Winnipeg Jets finished the month of October with an impressive 7-3-1 record and sit 7-4-1 overall.

2.  Congrats to the Manitoba Moose on their first win of the season on Thursday night versus the Milwaukee Admirals.  

3.  Congrats to Andrew Copp on his first NHL goal on Saturday night vs the Columbus Blue Jackets with family and friends in attendance.     

4.  Does it bother anyone else that forwards are allowed to drive to the net and “accidentally” fall into the goaltender with no repercussions?

5.  Micheal Hutchinson really has the Chicago Blackhawks number doesn’t he?  He was excellent in a 3-1 win last Thursday night.     

6.  Nikolaj “don’t call me Nik”  Ehlers had his ELC (entry-level contract) officially kick in on Thursday night playing in his tenth game of the season.

 7.  The Ondrej Pavelec haters have been pretty quite early on this season BUT don’t be fooled, they are salivating at the opportunity to pounce.  

8.  The Nic Petan/Anthony Peluso juggling act continued this past week and in-spite of all the expert opinions from the cheap seats, Paul Maurice will continue to dress the line-up he feels is appropriate.       

9.  Paul Maurice is starting to see a lot of Dustin Byfuglien that Claude Noel saw.   

10.  November is going to be a tough month for the Jets with only four games at home and a whopping ten on the road.    

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11.  I had to laugh at the Winnipeg Jets fans on twitter Saturday night that were gushing because the talking heads on Sportsnet said the Winnipeg Jets just might be the best team in Canada.  The HNIC and Sportsnet guys are wonderful if they stroke the home team but these same guys are a bunch of no talent idiots if they offer up any criticism of the good guys.  You gotta take the good with bad my friends.    

12.  Would it be fair to say that the Jets play hasn’t been as impressive as their actual record?  (see #1)    

13.  Free Paul Postma.   

14.  The NHL continually goes from one extreme to another.  It seems like it’s ok to camp out in the goal crease and if you are in the goal crease and the puck goes in off you it’s a good goal.  Why have the blue paint then?  Is the NHL so hard-up for goals that basically anything goes?      

15.  After last night’s Habs game is everybody still feeling warm & fuzzy because the Sportsnet guys said the Jets might be the best team in Canada?  (see #11)     

16.  Touch wood but after their first month of the 2015-16 regular season the Winnipeg Jets are healthy and haven’t had to make any drastic roster moves but we know this can’t last forever.  (see #8)   

17.  Winnipeg Jets PP:  8th at 22.9 down from 4th at 24%  

18.  Winnipeg Jets PK:  9th at 84.8 up from 12th at 84.4%  

19.  Countdown to the 2016 World Cup:  321 days (Sept. 17-Oct. 1 in Toronto)  How many Winnipeg Jets do you think will be competing in this event?  

20.  If you are interested in writing for Winnipeg Hockey Talk or if you know somebody interested, please contact us at:

[email protected]  

We are looking for writers to cover the Manitoba Bisons, Winnipeg AAA, MJHL, MMJHL, KIJHL and Winnipeg High School.

If you have any thoughts on any of these comments or questions, please let me know.  I would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks, Mitch 

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  1. I may be way off base but a Buff for Eberle trade might work for both teams.

  2. Todd Leroux says

    12. Average goaltending would have sunk the Jets thus far, IMO.

    As mentioned, the identity of the team (make up) is changing but only at the forward end. The D is struggling and not just because they try to join the offensive side of the game, IMO.

    Trouba has played a little better, but poor little Tobias Enstrom …

    Oddly enough, I don’t think Toby can keep up: he’s quick, but not fast and of course too small to box opposing forwards out. And, with that NMC, what to do … ?

    Chinese fire drill in the Jets D zone (hope that was okay to say).

    Outside looking in re: playoffs. Gotta make some changes on D: systems and/or personnel, IMO.

    Still, pretty entertaining (for me) thus far with Mr. Ehlers bringing most of the excitement, IMO.

  3. Sean Gange says

    Agree completely with #4 and #14! You defend Pavelec in #7 from haters but hate on Byfuglien in #9. Todd Leroux uses IMO too much IMO.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      I’m actually a Buff supporter but that doesn’t mean I’m loving his play right now … unlike most of the analytics guys I hate Buff playing with Enstrom.

      Todd was really pounding home the IMOs today … well done Mr. “don’t call me Todd” Leroux.

    • Todd Leroux says

      I agree with YO.

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