Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Sept. 1

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

Instead of being serious all the time and writing a commentary or an opinion piece we will jot down some random musings once a week.  It might be a mix of serious, playful or maybe even a little sarcastic but it should be fun.  If you have answers please let us know. 

1.  Do you think the NHL should expand or concentrate on strengthening their current franchises?    

2.  I recently saw an interview where Nikolaj Ehlers says he’s going to make the Winnipeg Jets roster this season.  Watch here    

3.  I know the outlook for the Jets in 2014-15 doesn’t look good based on the strength of the Central Division, the other Western Conference teams and all the other over-analyzed warts this team has but the off season is a time for optimism isn’t it?    

4.  Where would you like to see the NHL expand to if you had a VOTE?     

5.  My NHL expansion or relocation preferences.  1. Seattle  2. Quebec City  3. Southern Ontario (GTA)  4. Las Vegas  5. Houston   

6.  Allan Walsh proclaiming that Ondrej Pavelec is in the best shape of his life means ZERO to me!  Isn’t coming to camp in shape to be expected?  

7.  I wonder what’s going on with Ivan Telegin?  

8.  I think it would be quite interesting to have a NHL team in Las Vegas but not my 1st choice. (see question #5) 

9.  It really bothers me that I know who Allan Walsh is.  I don’t know who Crosby’s agent is and he’s GOOD!   

10.  The 2014-15 KHL season opens this Wednesday with defending champions Metallurg Magnitogorsk playing Dynamo Moscow.

Nikolaj Ehlers

Winnipeg Jets 2014 1st round pick Nikolaj Ehlers


Now some of these questions are serious, some are just tongue in cheek and some are me just being a _________. (you fill in the blank)

If you have any thoughts on any of these questions please let me know.  I am a curious person by nature and I need answers.

Thanks, Mitch 

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  1. I would like the nhl to expand to 2 markets , Quebec City and GTA, I don’t like exspansion in the south. It makes it to hard to get players to play in Canada let alone small markets in Canada. Then again who are we in Winnipeg to say who should get a NHL team or not ??

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      you would think Quebec would be a slam dunk right ??? If they expand out east there will definitely need to be another realignment and won’t that be fun?

  2. 1. They should not expand. The product is diluted enough. I’ve been in favour of contraction for a long time and that’s the direction they should head. But they won’t.
    2. No he isn’t ready. He needs time to develop his game. No need to rush him. He’s talented but he isn’t Crosby or Toews.
    4. If they forced me to vote for expansion, I’d choose Quebec City, Seattle, GTA and Kansas City in that order.
    6. Means zip. I wish Allan Walsh would go away. Sadly he won’t. I have no faith in Pavelec.
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  3. My musings on your musings…

    Quebec City needs a team. Like Winnipeg, never should have lost their franchise. Two in GTA or Texas? Nope. Seattle? Meh.

    You know that I am a huge Nik Ehlers fan, but I don’t think that he is ready this season. Yes he has crazy talent and heart, but another season with my hometown Mooseheads will be invaluable (as it was for a certain Mr. Drouin).

    Isn’t Crosby’s agent Pat Brisson? Is he on Twitter? BTW, totally agree with you on #6.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      Well Cheryl, if Nik thinks he can play I’m not going to rain on his parade but I’d like to see him make the Jets management squirm by playing well during camp and the pre-season.

      • I am in complete agreement, Mitch! I am hoping to see him on the 9th at a Mooseheads season ticket holder event before he heads off to Winnipeg, when squirming should commence 🙂 #GoJetsGo

  4. 2. wish him all the best 5. Quebec and I would like them to be a home opener here so we could welcome them back, eh Kotter 3. warts and all, they are ours and love em all p.s. all that paper that are used for analytics I would use as toilet paper(most of them anyways).
    vern recently posted…Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Sept. 1My Profile

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