Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Sept. 23

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

Some of the things that rattled through my head about the NHL and our Winnipeg Jets this past week.

1.  I believe giving Blake Wheeler an “A” was a good decision.  Agree or disagree?

2.  Winnipeg Jets fans are über excited about some of our prospects but the reality is that almost all of them won’t make this team in 2014-15.     

3.  Nic Petan is 5’9 165 lbs and plays like he’s 6’5 207 lbs.    

4.  Have you noticed that when Winnipeg Jets fans or non-fans find their “whipping boy” they just don’t let up? 

5.  I think next years training camp will yield the biggest influx of “new blood” in the Winnipeg Jets line-up.  (see #2)  

6.  I refuse to put too much stock into anything that happens in the pre-season.  I’ve witnessed too many aberrations over the years.   

7.  Will the NHL ever have a season where they aren’t trying to implement some new rule?      

8.  Adam Lowry is 6’5 207 lbs and plays like he’s 6’5 207 lbs.   

9.  I don’t like the whole trapezoid thing behind the net.  Does it really impact the game? 

10.  Does anybody remember ☛ ☛ Hannu Jarvenpaa? (see #6) 

Now some of these questions are serious, some are just tongue in cheek and some are me just being a _________. (you fill in the blank)

If you have any thoughts on any of these comments or questions please let me know.  I am a curious person by nature and I need answers.

Thanks, Mitch 

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  1. A name I’m looking forward to hearing is Kosmachuk as I think he will also have a say in that last 3rd line spot.
    Darryl Manchulenko recently posted…Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Sept. 23My Profile

  2. 1. Agree
    4. Yep. My whipping boy this year is Thorburn and believe me, I won’t stop.
    5. Yes.
    9. Get rid of the trapezoid.
    Mitch you will always be irascible to me.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      I like irascible ……… I hate the loser point and the trapezoid …… poor Thorburn is going to be beat on like a rented mule this whole season …. the funny thing is that’s it’s not his fault Chevy was in a “giving” mood.

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