Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Sept. 26

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind —

Some random facts and a few thoughts from this past week about the Winnipeg Jets, the Manitoba Moose, and the National Hockey League.

1.  Let the Jacob Trouba watch begin. 

It’s official … Kurt Overhardt and his client Jacob Trouba, have requested a trade from the Winnipeg Jets.  Trouba’s camp say that they talked to Kevin Cheveldayoff about this back in May stating that money is NOT an issue but being behind Dustin Byfuglien and Tyler Meyers on the depth chart was.  This leads me to this poll question. 

In contract negotiations is it the GM's job to negotiate usage?

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2.  Important announcement:  For the next few weeks the word “usage” will temporarily be replacing the word “process” as the #1 buzzword in Winnipeg BUT don’t be surprised while using the word “usage” we are reminded that Jacob Trouba’s contract negotiations as it pertains to “usage” is part of the “process”!  

3.  I’m sure the organizers and the networks were looking for a WCH final the included Canada but I’m pretty sure that Team Europe wasn’t their first, second or even third choice for their opponent.  Oh well.     

4.  I hate the Chicago Blackhawks and the Chicago Bears but I must admit their anthem singer Jim Cornelison does one helluva job getting the Chicago crowd jacked up while singing the Star Spangled Banner.  I get shivers up and down my spine just watching him on TV and I can’t imagine what it would be like being there in person.  

5.  Congrats to Daniel Alfredsson on becoming a Canadian citizen.   

6.  In all fairness to the Team USA brain trust, they said their team was built to beat Canada but they didn’t specify what team in Canada.  Bazinga!   

7.  Team USA may have had the best player on their team but Canada had the next best 23 and that’s why they won.   

8.  Strombo (George Stroumboulopoulos) took a lot of unfair criticism for the job he did on the HNIC and SportsNet broadcasts and that was unfortunate in my opinion.  I really never had a problem with him outside of the fact he wasn’t Ron MacLean.  Now in saying that I’m really happy that Ron MacLean is back hosting hockey again.   

9.  I’m sorry Kurt Overhardt but I’m not buying what you’re selling.  You can stick your usage narrative where the sun doesn’t shine.  (see #1)

10.  Are there any Winnipeg Jets fans that actually think Jacob Trouba won’t get paid?  I doubt it.  He is one of the Jets top 3 defencemen (apologies to Toby) and is undoubtedly the Jets best young defenceman.  He plays 22 minutes per game. The Jets know what he’s worth and so does his agent.  So what’s the problem?  In my humble opinion, there is a lot more going on here than “usage”.  (see #9)       

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11.  Like I’ve mentioned before in this space, hockey is a business and a hockey players #1 priority is his family and himself.  All the sound bites and scripted press conferences about “wanting to be here” are all BULLSHIT.  It’s all about the money and if your team ponies up the money that’s where “I always wanted to be.”  Jacob Trouba isn’t the first player to ask for a trade and he won’t be the last and I’m ok with that.  I have seen a lot of great players come and go in this city so I’m not going to get bent out of shape about Jacob Trouba.  If Chevy and Trouba’s camp can work out a deal, GREAT!  Welcome aboard Jacob.  If they can’t, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. 

12.  It looks like Ivan Telegin’s concussion problems are well behind him.  The Winnipeg Jets draftee looked pretty good in the WCH for Team Russia.

13.  I bet Team Europe assistant coach Paul Maurice didn’t think he would be away from Winnipeg Jets training camp this long. 

14.  Jets players (Copp and Stuart) said the knew nothing about Jacob Trouba’s trade request back in May but I bet Zach Bogosian knew. 

15.  It looks like the two “gimmick” teams at the WCH weren’t all that bad an idea after all but I don’t want to see them ever again. 

16.  I must admit those Scotia Bank commercials (the 5th season) where the kids playing ball hockey reenact some of hockey’s iconic goals are pretty good.  Yup, I’m getting sappy in my old age.   

17.  The Winnipeg Jets Young Stars didn’t exactly get me drinking the “draft and develop” kool-aide with their performance last weekend in Penticton, BC and please don’t say that it was only an exhibition series that really doesn’t matter because we all know if they went 3-0 it would be a different narrative. 

18.  I would bet the farm that if Ken Holland called Trouba’s camp and offered him an LD position in the third pairing he would say “where do I sign?”  (see #9)

19.  It looks like Mathieu Perreault isn’t exactly thrilled about Jacob Trouba’s trade request.

20.  Winnipeg Jets 2016 countdown:

First pre-season game:  Tomorrow night vs Calgary (Sept. 27)

First regular season game:  18 days vs Carolina (Oct.13)

Countdown to the 2016 Tim Hortons Heritage Classic:  28 days (Oct. 23) in Winnipeg, MB.   

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If you have any thoughts on any of these comments or questions, please let me know.  We would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks, Mitch 

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  1. Trouba’s trade request is exactly what Perreault said…selfish. I want this I want that. If he was playing better than Buff and Myers he would obviously play ahead of them. I’ve seen blatant errors creeping into his game. Getting burned in the playoffs for a crucial goal at home. Giveaways. Shots from the point hitting the glass regularly. Lunging at guys killing penalties at his Blue line. Just like Stuart does. He had a terrible WCOH. Was a healthy scratch until Ekblad got hurt. I haven’t seen what I saw in year one. Having said that he is young and could shake it off. But the bottom line is he wants out. At 5 million a year with this Jets team you learn to play the left side if you want to stay. He wants the easy way out and be traded to a team with all left handers. I don’t buy it. He wants out of Winnipeg. I would take Nurse and a draft pick for Trouba but I’d wait and see how Morrissey does. If Morrissey can step in then Trouba would be a distant memory.

  2. It kind of shows how some of those long term – high $$$ contracts can burn you. The monies spent on Stuart and Enstrom would be much better invested in Trouba (if the issue is strictly dollars). Having said that, I agree with a lot of points made by Rob above. Trouba has not been the talent we wanted and expected from him. It will be interesting to see where this one lands.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      It sounds like the $$$ aren’t the issue BUT I’m obviously not buying the “usage” narrative … I think he wants out … period.

  3. Wayne Knutson says

    Hi Mitch.
    It gets said on a regular basis that this is business, not personal. I think it is personal. It has been said that Trouba’s play regressed last year, and the Jets have probably pointed that out to him. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trouba thought his play wouldn’t have regressed if he played the right side….. so, he is demanding it, because he is PO’d, and feeling a bit hurt. He knows he would be better on the right side, and feels he wouldn’t be getting the criticism if he played there.

    • Mitch Kasprick says

      he didn’t play all that much on the left side so I’m not buying that AND no player or agent is ever going to throw a player (Stuart) under the bus like it’s being suggested in Winnipeg.

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