Is Kevin Cheveldayoff Playing Hide and Seek?

Is Winnipeg Jets General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff playing “Hide” and “Seek” with the fans? –

Who Wants to “Hide” and Who Wants to “Seek”?

Kevin Cheveldayoff spent most of the off-season “hiding” with very little results to show for as improvements outside of the draft goes.  He extended a few more contracts and let Olli Jokinen go while adding Mathieu Perreault for less money.  A good signing but overall not going to win you “General Manager of the Year” award.  Winnipeg Jets fans, though a little distraught, were likely willing to give him the benefit of the doubt had we come out above 500 after nine games but the sub par record now has the Winnipeg Jets fans “seeking” the answers.

October 24, 2014-Jets-Lightning-25

Mathieu Perreault    photo by Shawn Coates

I’m sure instead of “Seeking” answers Kevin Cheveldayoff would prefer Winnipeg Jets fans to “hide” while HE “seeks” out a viable solution.  However being in a Canadian market, “hiding” is not an option an educated fan-base is going to afford any general manager.

How high do you count again?

Based on what we’ve seen so far from this club, in the past and up to date, Winnipeg Jets fans may want to close their eyes and just count to the end of the season.  Draft and develop is fine but how long do Winnipeg Jets fans or General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff “hide” from the fact that this club has continued to struggle.  Issues in all three zones is a sign that something isn’t clicking.  Year four and the same questions are being asked!

How long should we wait to get found?

Kevin Cheveldayoff is going to have some serious decisions to make moving forward if the Winnipeg Jets can’t clean up their act under Paul Maurice.  If he can’t find a way to improve the record and get them over that hump, Cheveldayoff may be forced to quit “hiding” and go “seek” some viable options before it’s too late.

Timing can be everything.  If we are still in the basement come the new year, it may be time to explore the possibility of changing up the dynamic of the Winnipeg Jets.

I’m excited to see some more young blood injected into the Winnipeg Jets line up next season.  Putting them on a poor team isn’t going to do their development any good however.  We have some attractive pieces for other teams trying to increase depth for deep playoff runs.  The potential is there should we “seek” change.

Go Jets Go!


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