The Winnipeg Jets Need 52 More Points To Have A Chance

Four segments of 13 points will get the Winnipeg Jets to 95 points –

I’ve already conceded that the Winnipeg Jets will not make the playoffs but for you optimistic fans out there that still have hope here is what needs to happen.   

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The Winnipeg Jets Should Retool Now

The Winnipeg Jets need to start the retool now and not in the off-season-

In a year that has gone off the rails, it makes sense to me to start the retooling right now. 

Retool ~ Verb

1.  equip with new or adapted tools.
2.  adapt or alter to make them more useful or suitable.

The good guys are currently sitting at 18-17-7 going in the NHL’s All-Star break which puts them 6th in the Central Division and the news gets worse.  The Jets sit 9 points out of the last wildcard position and need to jump over five teams with only fourty games left in the season.  Even the most diehard fan knows there is no way in hell with the way this team is playing from the goaltender out that we will see a Whiteout this season.  Let’s call it what it is, another lost season and move on.  I know, I know the truth hurts but I’m not here to wave pom-poms or blow smoke you know where.

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Saying Goodbye To Kobe

Kobe Bryant embodied the vision that many wish to achieve

It is just past midnight on January 27, 2020.  12:34 A.M. It’s been about ten hours since I heard the news – saw the news.  Perhaps that’s more accurate.  I was just finishing up my shift, I was standing by the time clock.  The same place I was 20 months ago when the Humboldt Broncos bus crashed and sixteen people lost their lives.  Most of them were kids, torn and stolen from their families before the prime of their lives.  I remember turning on my phone and seeing a notification from the CTV app.  It said there were confirmed fatalities after a bus crash in western Canada.  That’s all.  I wouldn’t learn the true impact until later that night.  Similarly, I checked my phone today at 2 in the afternoon.  The BBC News app had a headline that would rock not only the basketball world but the entire world: Basketball great Kobe Bryant, 41, has died in a helicopter crash, US media report. [Read more…]

SURPRISE! The Winnipeg Jets Extend Their GM and Head Coach.

Kevin Cheveldayoff and Paul Maurice receive contract extensions from the Winnipeg Jets –

I figured I would let the dust settle a little after Winnipeg Jets head-honcho Mark Chipman announced multi-year contract extensions (more than one) for his GM, Kevin Cheveldayoff and Head Coach, Paul Maurice earlier this week.  I wanted to listen to the Kool-Aid drinkers sing their praises and hear all the naysayers spew their venom.  I find this almost as entertaining as watching the games. [Read more…]

It’s Time For The NHL To Get Rid Of The “Limited No-Trade Clause”

The NHL and NHLPA need to come to an agreement on getting rid of “Limited No-Trade Clause”.

I know Gary Bettman likes to think he can con the average fan into thinking that there is parity in the National Hockey League BUT he isn’t fooling anybody.  Most of us don’t buy it.  NO, I’m not going on my annual rant on how awarding three points in some games and two points in other games is a joke and creates FAKE parity. Surprise, surprise.   [Read more…]

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