From Avco Cup May 1979 to Heritage Classic Weekend – My Perspective

The WHA Jets … Winnipeg Jets 1.0 and 2.0 … ALL IN ONE WEEKEND! –

1978:  It was 1978, late winter almost spring; I was close to turning 14 and a gal (at that point I’d call her an acquaintance) I sat beside in a couple of classes at Elmwood High asked me out of the blue if I wanted to go to a Winnipeg Jets game.  I found out later she’d already asked her close friends and they all declined, lucky for me as it turned out!  I liked hockey and I liked this girl so jumped at the chance to possibly make a new friend. [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets: Has Chevy already surrendered this year?

If Kevin Cheveldayoff does nothing to improve the Winnipeg Jets, he’s already surrendered this season.

Okay, I get it.  Dr. Dolittle is building through the draft. His plan for the Winnipeg Jets is to develop from within.  In theory, it’s a sound approach. [Read more…]

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