Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Apr. 4

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind —

Some random facts and a few thoughts from this past week about the Winnipeg Jets, the Manitoba Moose, and the National Hockey League.

Spoiler Alert:

If you’re an Auston Matthews fan, look away, I’ve decided to take a couple of shots at him and the Swiss National A League this week.  I can’t stand the hype he is getting for his numbers in a crappy Euro League.

1.  The Winnipeg Jets ended up going 1-1-2 on the week and are 32-39-8 overall. They cannot finish dead last anymore.

2.  Once again, Gary and his band of buffoons have their priorities all screwed up.  Last week there were TWO blatant hits from behind that left two players woozy but their priority was penalizing the Florida Panthers if their fans throw plastic rats on the ice.  Well done Gary, well done!  What are you going to do if hundreds of visiting fans throw a bunch of plastic rats on the ice?

3.  The experts say Auston Matthews is playing in a very competitive Swiss league against men and that playing in Europe won’t affect his development. Okay, fair enough but I don’t buy one iota of this crazy talk. 

4.  I’m calling it right now … Auston Matthews WILL NOT be the best player in this years entry draft.  I think he will be a BUST.     

5.  The Brandon Wheat Kings are back on track in their opening round playoff series versus the Edmonton Oil Kings after sweeping all three games in Edmonton and now have a 3-2 series lead.  Things are right in the world again. GO WHEATIES!   

6.  Has Julian Melchiori done enough to get a serious look at next years training camp?                 

7.  How many points do you think Connor McDavid would have scored last season in the Swiss Cheese Hockey League?  100-120 points in 36 games?        

8.  TNSE has no problem slapping a 3% increase on my season tickets every year but I would really appreciate it if they would reciprocate us with at least a 3% improvement every year.  Maybe start with the special teams!  

9.  It still baffles me how the experts are surprised when rookies that played in the NCAA disappear in the second half of the season.  They don’t have the grind of a 70-80 game schedule plus all the travel that goes along with it.  Yes, I am CHL biased (especially WHL) if you haven’t figured that out by now.     

10.  If the Swiss Cheese League is sooooo good, why is Thomas Raffl (Jets) still in the AHL?  I guess NHL teams will be lining up for the rest of these household names that have more points than Matthews in the Swiss Cheese League next season, right?      

1 Swiss

11.  Forgive me for not doing cartwheels after the Winnipeg Jets announced the signing of 24-year-old winger Brandon Tanev from Providence in the NCAA. WOW, he had a whopping 28 points in 38 games as a senior …. whoooopty do. Six feet and 180 lbs … have fun in Tulsa.  This is as bad as John Ferguson gushing over the signing of the Pooley twins in May of 1984.  Remember their stellar careers?           

12.  I don’t blame the Nashville Predators for being pissed about the Jimmy Vesey situation.  The NHL has a serious flaw in their CBA when a drafted player can become a UFA without ever playing a game in the league (Justin Schultz and Blake Wheeler come to mind).  Although the Predators won’t say it (at least for now), I’ll say it for them … I smell tampering and especially if he signs in Toronto. 

13.  I think the Jets players should all be refitted for their hockey sticks because I have never seen a team that whiffs on so many one-timers.  

14.  Auston Matthews was at the Coyotes game on Saturday night versus the Washington Capitals while most of his peers were playing meaningful hockey somewhere.  I hope that grinding 36-game schedule and all the travel in that postage stamp sized country didn’t wear him out this season! 

15.  To no-one’s surprise, Jets prospect and University of Michigan freshman forward Kyle Connor has been named as one of the three finalists for the Hobey Baker Memorial Award honoring college hockey’s top player.  He will be joined by Thatcher Demko, junior goalie from Boston College and Jimmy Vesey, senior forward from Harvard University.    

16.  Things that make you go hmmm?:  Duncan Keith’s latest suspension was his third since March of 2012 but yet he’s not considered a “repeat offender” because he’s been clean for the past eighteen months.  The NHL is so misguided it’s scary!  

17.  Winnipeg Jets Special teams update: 

PK:  25th at 78.8% up from 78.5% last week.

PP:  30th at 14.6%  still in last place. 

18.  Lottery standings update:  The lottery will be held on Apr. 30

4 april lott

19.  Countdown to the 2016 World Cup:  167 days (Sept. 17-Oct. 1 in Toronto) Final rosters to be posted on June 1.    

20.  IMHO, Paul Postma has done enough to protect his roster spot for next season and I think he should get a little more time on the Jets HORRIBLE powerplay!  It sure couldn’t hurt could it?   

21.  A couple of Brendans/Brendens are in the news Monday morning as Brenden Kichton will be joining the Winnipeg Jets for their 3-game California road trip while Brendan Lemieux’s OHL career has come to an end and he’ll be joining the Manitoba Moose.  Good luck to both.

22.   I must admit I did get a little warm and fuzzy while watching Rogers Hometown Hockey in Winnipeg yesterday.  I really like Ron MacLean.      

Editor’s Note:

Although it’s behind a paywall, you should go check out our own Scott Campbell’s articles in the Winnipeg Free press every Thursday evening (online) or Friday morning (in print).  Like I always stated, there’s nothing better than the thoughts and opinions from somebody that has actually been there and done that.  

If you are interested in writing for Winnipeg Hockey Talk or if you know somebody interested, please contact us at:

[email protected]  

We are looking for writers to cover the Manitoba Bisons, Winnipeg AAA, MJHL, MMJHL, KIJHL and Winnipeg High School.

If you have any thoughts on any of these comments or questions, please let me know.  I would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks, Mitch 

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  1. George Bain says

    I agree with your comments on Postma and I like Melchiori’s play. I hope the Jets don’t get Matthews Mitch LOL.

    This might sound like sour grapes but Kraft Hockeyville pisses me off. I’m happy for the small town upgrades but a 52 billion dollar company giving 100K is like me giving a penny to the Heart and Stroke foundation. One town misses out as well and it’s great advertising for a company that I have no use for! That’s my rant for today.

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