Could Grabovski Have Helped The Winnipeg Jets?

Scott’s Thoughts And The Winnipeg Jets ….

How Was The Summer Of The Winnipeg Jets?

I’m addressing this as quite frankly we’re in a dead zone as far as hockey goes.  Some of us talk and argue about things we wouldn’t care less about during the regular season but it gives us a little fix.

While I have had some mild concerns over the summer and if I had to give my overall opinion on what has happened with the Winnipeg Jets, I’m “okay”.  No big problems with the signings and trades and certainly some good things happened.

Oh my, the no-good Russian traitor 😆 

While I was disappointed with the exit of Alex Burmistrov, I didn’t have a good feeling about that whole situation so it wasn’t a huge shock.  It lessened “my” impact but not the impact on the lineup in my opinion.

Mark ScheifeleBut ~ what if Mark Scheifele Isn’t Ready?

Burmi was the guy that I thought would be the backup centre if  Scheifele was not ready to step into the lineup and assume the second- line centre role essentially ensuring that star forward, Evander Kane, is provided with pucks in good spots on the ice. 😉  With the addition of shooter Devon Setoguchi to the proposed second line, I cringe at the thought of another shooter, Ollie Jokinen, joining them.   Yea, stranger things have happened but when with success?   No need to talk about that fact if Ollie doesn’t have a comeback year.  I don’t know how bad it could get. 

I get so crazy over this I start talking about Seto taking over at centre as I “kind of” remember him playing a few games there (right shot passing to Kane) and then they move Frolik up to the second line.

When I start flailing like that though, I look for options and there’s one that had been there all summer.  Mikhail Grabovski.

No song and serenade here.   For $3,000,000 per year, the Washington Capitals got themselves a good player at a good price.  I wish the Winnipeg Jets had signed him.

Grabbo signed a one-year deal.  That’s perfect if Scheifele makes it.  If Mark was better than Grabovski, we’d have some great centre-ice depth.  BOOM ~ just like that and with another year to develop the rest of our prospects.  A nice fit.

If Scheif isn’t ready and needs some time in the AHL, Grabbo would obviously have given me a LOT more confidence in our lineup.

Was This A Salary-Cap Issue For The Winnipeg Jets?

On the surface, this seemed like a win-win.  Please don’t try to bring salary-cap space into this as it could easily have been done if Winnipeg Jets GM Kevin Cheveldayoff had interest in Grabovski. Grabbo has been available all summer.

That’s a question in itself.  Maybe Chevy asked about Mikhail early in summer and found out quickly that Grabovski was getting married to Burmistrov’s much-loved and first cousin.  Or “something” like that.

Or maybe, he had enough of “enigmatic Russians” this summer.  He just couldn’t do it again so soon.  Of course, there is always that gray area out there; the home of some, the challenge of others.  😆

Mark ScheifeleLevels Of Scheifele

Either way, I’m disappointed but I’ve had my say and readers here should know, I’ve got the Jets making the playoffs.  Grabovski would have made me very happy but I’m still swinging and prepared for the very real fact that Mark Scheifele might need some seasoning in the AHL and the Jets would not be as well prepped as they could have been.   😛  

I’ve been fortunate to watch Scheifele’s development closely in Barrie and that AHL designation would fit in with his curve.  I’m hoping, as all Winnipeg Jets fans are, that the Gary Roberts training program and the incredible run last year for him has expedited his arrival to the NHL.  But, I sure as heck don’t want him playing unless he’s earned it and going forward.

It all doesn’t matter.  Its speculation and what could have been.  I know that.  But, I’ve been watching some pretty rough stuff on twitter and the overall internet regarding the NHL these days and thought “what the heck”?

Go Jets Go!


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Comments welcome below  


  1. I was hoping for a Grabovski signing myself, and can’t help but wonder why it took so long for *someone* to sign him. Scared of his mouth? Perhaps with the front and centre Russian player in the league as their captain, the “Russian factor” didn’t come in to play here. OH well. We (Jets) will have to play the cards we are dealt.

    I appreciate your optimism served with a side of reality, by the way.


  2. Scott Campbell says

    Thanks, I figured the Belarusian factor was close enough to “Russian” to get get that across. He found a good spot for his career, and our eggs are kinda in one basket. Maybe Chevy grabs some cheaper insurance?

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