Scott’s Thoughts: Winnipeg Jets Report Card

Winnipeg Jets grades for the forwards, defencemen and goaltenders –

Following “Boss Mitch’s” excellent quarterly report, I’m patching and copying his report cause I don’t have any idea of proper structure so I’m following the boss.  I assume that Chris Thorburn takes the same approach with his following of the boss as he NEVER has to “take in a few games from the press-box”.

Surprises: Goalie – belongs to Ondrej Pavelec, as he actually looks like he has listened to coaching and has some structure in his game even though it might be hit the knees early, cover both posts and stay there and when you’re not sure of dump-ins, stay the hell where you are.

In my opinion, this is “get us what you can type goaltending”  not confident in it at all for long-term success, as in “a really good goalie“.

The good news is the Winnipeg Jets have a pipeline of top prospects at the goalie position.  One of them will hopefully lead us to the promised land.  Until then, Pavs okay so far but we need to see a lot more.  Teams now have recent video of him and will look to expose.

November 04, 2014-Jets-Preds-35

Surprise of the season so far?


Surprises: Defence – leads me to an easy one, Zach Bogosian.  Why have so many possibilities come to him?  I’ll let you decide why.  But his confidence has grown.  It used to piss me off on Twitter because the few times he did something decent I had to read “Bogo!”.  Never mind the brain farts that preceded it!

However, today he plays with the Winnipeg Jets best defenceman by far, Toby Enstrom, and he’s being protected.  All of the sudden he looks like a guy that might be in for a top two job.   So for those of you shouting  “Bogo for Norris”, I pray you’re drunk when you tweeted it cause top two guys shouldn’t need protection.  😉 

Don’t worry, I’m cheering for a Norris!  Please make me wrong.

Surprises: Forwards – I knew Mitch would get to Wheeler first as he’s been on him about flybys since the lockout and before.  Wheeler is an overpowering beast right now. (It hurts to agree with Mitch. 😆 )

Surprises: Defence – Postma and Clitsome.  They need their own article. They aren’t monsters but deserve a chat. 

Scott’s grades:

 Fwds Scott

Def Scott


  1. Greg Polinchuk says

    The only grade I disagree with is a ‘B’ for Kaner. Even if he plays every remaining reg season game, he’s only on a 30 POINT (not 30 goal pace). He doesn’t do enough defensive shutdown work to warrant more than a ‘C’ to me up to now. As a rising prospect he’s become very Oileresque this year.

  2. Scott Campbell says

    On way to bed, so will need to come back to this, but you have made a point worth considering. 🙂

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