Third Quarter Report Card: Forwards

Winnipeg Jets Report Card at the 3/4 Mark: Forwards — 

The Winnipeg Jets record at the time of this evaluation was 29 – 26 – 6.  This report was done after the shootout win over Phoenix on Thursday, Feb. 27. [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets 1st Half Report Card: Forwards

Winnipeg Jets Forwards Mid-Term Report Card — 

My grading system is simply based on  “what you see is what you get”.  Not very scientific.  After years of coaching and scouting I just look at the game a little differently than I used to as a fan. [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets Def & Goal 1st Quarter Grades

Winnipeg  Jets Report Card For The Defencemen And Goaltenders — 

The Winnipeg  Jets defencemen have all had stretches where they have struggled and stretches where they have played well.  This has been the trademark of this team since it’s arrival in Winnipeg. There are very good individual pieces in this group but collectively Winnipeg hockey fans haven’t seen the best this group has to offer as a WHOLE unit.   [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets Forwards Quarter Pole Report Card

Winnipeg  Jets First Quarter Report Card — 

My grading system is simply based on  “what you see is what you get”.  Not very scientific.  After years of coaching and scouting I just look at the game a little differently than I used to as a fan. [Read more…]

All That’s Really Left Are Fourth Line Battles !!!

The Fourth Line And Their Four Minutes A Game !!!

With the Winnipeg Jets training camp coming to an end very soon, there has been a lot of talk about what the opening day line-up would look like. [Read more…]

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