Random Thoughts From Motown Mitch: Oct. 15

Mitch Kasprick is the “Motown Curmudgeon” aka “Motown Mitch”

Odds and Ends, Thoughts and Questions, from this past week in sports – 

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Random Thoughts From Motown Mitch: Oct. 8

Mitch Kasprick is the “Motown Curmudgeon” aka “Motown Mitch”

Odds and Ends, Thoughts and Questions, from this past week in sports – 

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Random Thoughts From Motown Mitch: Aug. 13

Mitch Kasprick is the “Motown Curmudgeon” aka “Motown Mitch”

Odds and Ends, Thoughts and Questions, from this past week in sports – 

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Random Thoughts From Motown Mitch: July 30

Mitch Kasprick is the “Motown Curmudgeon” aka “Motown Mitch”

Odds and Ends, Thoughts and Questions, from this past week in sports – 

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Jacob Trouba Awarded $5,500,000 By Arbitrator

Jacob Trouba (RFA), is a Winnipeg Jet for one more season –

The National Hockey League has announced that Winnipeg Jets defenceman, Jacob Trouba was awarded a one-year, $5,500,000 contract by the arbitrator on Sunday.  The Winnipeg Jets have two options and have 48 hours to make their decision. 

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