San Jose Sharks Could Be Hurt By NHL’s New Reported Time Frame To Start Season

The Mercury News

The San Jose Sharks may not be getting much time as they would like for training camp — wherever that may be — to prepare for the start of the 2020-2021 NHL season. Multiple reports indicate the league and the NHL Players’ Association are now targeting a Jan. 13 start to what would be a 56-game regular season. That could be preceded by a 10-day training camp with no exhibition games, according to TSN, although discussions between the league and the union are ongoing. TSN’s report also indicated that the seven non-playoff teams that were not part of the NHL’s Return to Play plan this summer, including the Sharks, would only get a short head start to training camp. [Read more…]

NHL And NHLPA Approve Hybrid-Icing

NHL And NHLPA Approve Hybrid Icing For 2013-14 Season — 

The National Hockey League announced Monday that it will use hybrid-icing rules during the 2013-14 season after the NHLPA members voted in to accept the proposed rule change that was used during the NHL pre-season games. [Read more…]

Understanding The NHL Compliance Buyout

What Is A Compliance Buyout?

In the next couple of weeks, you are going to hear the term compliance buyout on the radio, TV or talking hockey on Twitter.  I’ve tried to put a simple explanation together for those of you that don’t quite understand the lingo. [Read more…]

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