Winnipeg Jets Fans! What’s Your Problem?

A rough start to the season has many Winnipeg Jets fans questioning their team.

So I ask “What’s Your Problem?”

The First Step is Admitting You have a Problem –

There are a plethora of opinions as to what the problem is and vast ideas on how to solve it.  I have heard everything in the past twenty-four hours from that coach Paul Maurice isn’t working out, get rid of General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff, trade captain Andrew Ladd, all the way to do nothing and tank the season for Connor McDavid.  [Read more…]

Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Oct. 20

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

These were a few of the things that rattled through my head this past week about the NHL and our Winnipeg Jets.
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Winnipeg Jets: Decisions … Decisions …

Winnipeg Jets: Decisions, Decisions … Waiver subtractions?  Young Blood Additions? –

By Derek Curtis

Most would say too much depth is a good problem to have.  We are seeing with the Winnipeg Jets, that may not be the case.

Somewhat of a unique circumstance having a wide range of player types trying out for only a couple of positions. [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets Roster: Money or Merit??

Who Should Earn Winnipeg Jets Roster Spots –

It’s that time of the year hockey fans.  Training camp has opened, the pre-season games are upon us and young prospects are looking to make their mark. Winnipeg Jets fans are concerned about the perceived lack of roster spots available and I actually posed this same question a few weeks back.  I’m concerned about this roster being selected on the basis of contract status versus ability or merit. [Read more…]

Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Sept. 23

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

Some of the things that rattled through my head about the NHL and our Winnipeg Jets this past week.
[Read more…]

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