Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Nov. 17

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind —

Some random facts and a few thoughts from this past week about the Winnipeg Jets, the Manitoba Moose and the National Hockey League.

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No Rotten Core Here

The Winnipeg Jets core is just fine –

A couple of seasons ago, under Claude Noel, some suggested the Winnipeg Jets had a rotten core.  I was not one of them.

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Winnipeg Jets Off-season Expectations

Part 3: Defence Wins Championships –

As a follow-up from my previous posts on how the Jets might deal with their lineup this off-season, I will continue to do a positional post starting from the net out so today Winnipeg Jets defence corp. [Read more…]

Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: June 22

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

Some random facts and a few thoughts from this past week about the Winnipeg Jets, the Manitoba Moose and the National Hockey League.

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A Big Off-Season For The Winnipeg Jets

The Winnipeg Jets and Chevy’s off-season checklist –  

The Winnipeg Jets brass is going to be very busy this summer making decisions on how their team will look next season and more importantly the season after. [Read more…]

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