The Jets, The Coyotes, Family And Friends

Winnipeg Jets at Phoenix Coyotes Was a Special Game —

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 was a very special day for me.  It’s well into the stretch run of season three for Winnipeg Jets 2.0 and even though I was lucky enough and thrilled to be able to get a half season ticket for the Jets, I have never seen them play live. [Read more…]

Is The Wild Card Race Over?

The Western Conference Wild Card Race —

by Carlo Todaro

As the 2013-14 playoff drive turns for home and heads down the stretch in the Western Conference Wild Card race, one team, the Minnesota Wild, have started to distance themselves from the pack. [Read more…]

Ringette Girls Amaze At The Winter Games

Why I love Sports and Sportsmanship —

As I get older, I find myself appreciating different aspects of sports and one of the things that I really appreciate now is sportsmanship.  I love watching heated competition at every level and in all sports but I think it is so cool that after everything is said and done the athletes can look in each others eyes, shake hands and say “well done”. [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets Asset Management?

Winnipeg Jets And Their UFAs —

As a writer in the .com world, I use twitter like a lot of other .com writers do. We’ll throw out a comment or ask a question then watch our timeline for feedback.  We don’t have the luxury of access to the local team so you don’t see too many player interviews or fluff pieces coming from us.  For the most part, we write opinion pieces. [Read more…]

To Whiteout Or Not?

To Whiteout Or Not To Whiteout, That Is The Question? —

It’s 4 am Arizona time and I’m lying wide awake in bed because of a conversation and questions on Twitter a couple of nights ago. There were some quiet whispers Sunday night after some positive scoreboard watching that the Winnipeg Jets could actually make the playoffs.  The odds are increasing.   [Read more…]

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