Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Nov. 3

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

These were a few of the things that rattled through my head this past week about the NHL and our Winnipeg Jets.
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The Brainwashing of the Winnipeg Jets Fanbase

It Started in Year One of Winnipeg Jets 2.0 –

The brainwashing and excuses were flowing long before the Winnipeg Jets 2.0 ever hit the ice but in our joy and jubilation of finally getting a NHL team back in River City we were oblivious to the warning signs.  The “excuse seeds” were planted early and often. [Read more…]

Random Thoughts On The Winnipeg Jets: Oct. 13

Things about the Winnipeg Jets and the NHL that crossed my mind over the weekend —

These were a few of the things that rattled through my head this past week about the NHL and our Winnipeg Jets.
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Strap In!

 Your 2014 -15 Winnipeg Jets – 

by Derek Curtis – 

The long summer is over for Winnipeg Jets fans and we’re ready for the puck to drop.  Pre-season was a fun ride with the likes of Ehlers, Petan and Morrissey putting their skills on display to give Jets fans a taste of what we hope is a bright future.  But that’s pre-season … [Read more…]

Winnipeg Jets and “All I Want For Christmas”

Scott’s Thoughts on Winnipeg Jets Season #4 –

Hey, how are you Winnipeg Jets fans?  Here’s hoping you are well and here we go on “Season Four”. 

This has nothing to do with Christmas itself despite the title.  It’s a timeline.

But for my beloved Jets, I have some wishes and ask the hockey gods and the universe to provide this. [Read more…]

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